Saturday, July 29, 2006

Busch Gardens 2006

Cathy really wanted to go to Busch Gardens and Josh, Jon, and I were all game so off to Williamsburg we went! Apparently, Busch Gardens in Williamsburg has an "old country" or Europe theme.

Busch Gardens 2006
We started out near Ireland

Busch Gardens 2006

Then we went to Scotland for the Loch Ness Monster Rollercoaster ride. And back to Ireland's Corkscrew Hill for a 3-D show.

Busch Gardens 2006
Rollercoaster selfie! With an old school camera no less.

Busch Gardens 2006
Jon and I got distracted by a beer and liquor tasting. England?

We went hat shopping in France, as one does. We we rode the flume ride in New France, "Le Scoot."

Busch Gardens 2006
I think each hat captures our personality.

Busch Gardens 2006
Le Scoot, the flume Ride- Josh is amazing in this photo.

Busch Gardens 2006
The Alpengeist ride!

We had lunch in Germany's Oktoberfest.

Busch Gardens 2006

Busch Gardens 2006

Busch Gardens 2006
Cathy and I at "Oktoberfest"-- haha.

I think we took the sky ride from Germany to England called the "Aeronaut- Zeppelin Landing."

Busch Gardens 2006
Aeronaut- Zeppelin Landing

Busch Gardens 2006
I'm on a sky ride. Woo!

In Italy we did the Apollo's Chariot ride and a little bit of wine-making and shopping. Normal stuff.

Busch Gardens 2006
Josh, Cathy, me and Jon on Apollo's Chariot

Busch Gardens 2006
Making wine! Blurry but I still like it.

I also forced persuaded the others to take these dress-up old timey photos.

Busch Gardens 2006
Polite Western folk.

Busch Gardens 2006
Contrary to my politics, haha.

Busch Gardens 2006
One last night time roller coaster ride! Wooo! !12 hours means it's time to go home.

Busch Gardens 2006
Thanks for a long wonderful day, buddies!

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