Sunday, October 30, 2005

Dinner at Professor Leslie's 2005

Our section has Contracts with Professor Leslie and he's our section advisor/spiritual leader. He invited us over for dinner on Saturday, and even though we were mostly all still hungover from PILA we happily obliged. His wife made three delicious lasagnas for us as well as salads.

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Professor Leslie and Ryan

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Dinner table

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Other angle

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Getting more lasagna

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Roger, Elizabeth, and Sarah

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Me and Brian

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Jeremy, Mrs. Leslie, Selina and back of Brooks

Professor Leslie's Party 2005

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Cyndra and Kathy

After dinner and conversation we checked out their home theater in the basement and he showed us "the music greats" including Elvis. Audra and I had never seen a video of Elvis performing and we promptly fell in love. Too bad we're about 30 years too late.

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Donald, Lauren, Kathy, Nathan, Justin, and Jerry

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Helloooo Elvis

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Jon, Andrew and his girlfriend

Professor Leslie's Party 2005
Professor Leslie's home theater dance

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