Saturday, October 29, 2005

PILA Semiformal Dance 2005

On Friday, UVA Law's Public Interest Law Association (PILA) hosted a Benefit Auction and Semiformal Dance at the Doubletree Hotel in Downtown Charlottesville.

PILA Semiformal 2005
Spoiler alert: Dance was really fun! 

The PILA auction raises money for law students interested in working in public interest law to help them during unpaid/low-paying summer internships. They get donations of things to auction off like a week in someone's parent's beach house, gift certificates to local restaurants, or activities like dinner hosted at a professor's house.

The 1L class had a preparty in one of the hotel rooms that was more or less on-going throughout the dance.

PILA Semiformal 2005
My date Seth (Section L) and me

PILA Semiformal 2005
Audra, Brian, Kathy, Jim

PILA Semiformal 2005
Me, Kathy, Katy, Sarah

PILA Semiformal 2005
Justin, Aaron, Elizabeth, Nathan

PILA Semiformal 2005
Amy and Josh

There were dancing and drinking in the main ballroom, and tables outside the perimeter where you make written bids for items big and small. The bidding was cut off at midnight so people tried to wait for the more coveted items, ebay-style. The problem is that because of drinking and partying sometimes you forget to swing by for final bid. Each 1L section was encouraged to find something big to up for bid- and one of classmates family put a week at the beach house up for a bid, which was really nice. This years dance also had a masquerade theme though that mostly involved a few masks being made generally available. Lots of fun dancing and partying in general.

PILA Semiformal 2005
Me and Audra

PILA Semiformal 2005
Jerry, Lauren, Jackie, and Dan

PILA Semiformal 2005
Akure, Tommy, and me

PILA Semiformal 2005
Auction time!

PILA Semiformal 2005
Sarah, Selina and Elizabeth

PILA Semiformal 2005
Seth, me, Rob, Kyla, Kyle (no relation)

PILA Semiformal 2005
Nathan and Kathy

PILA Semiformal 2005
Julie, Roger, and Brendan

2005 10 28 PILA Ticket 511

PILA Semiformal 2005
Also Jon got us this sweet ride to go home.

PILA Semiformal 2005
Inside the fun-mobile. Happy birthday Jon!

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